It's that time of the year where we must honor those near and dear to our heart. Good ole Dad. He's the guy that taught you how to throw a ball (even though we still throw "like a girl"), put the fear of God into your first boyfriend, and teared up as he gave you away at your wedding. He deserves something special, so we thought we'd give a couple of great suggestions, for new dads, outdoorsy dads, inappropriate humor dads, and everyone in between.

For the new Dad: How about a sweet photo shoot?
For the "cool" dad who's just not quite ready to rock the stroller.
For the always-the-life-of-the-party-jokester Dad.
For all those techie Dads. The GoPro camera allows you mount
it to just about any moving object for the ultimate WOW video experience.
For the style-saavy Dad.
A unique pair of Allen Edmonds will make him the envy of all his golf guys.

For the outdoorsy Dad. These wallets are handcrafted in the USA out of one single piece of wood.

Every little girl thinks their Dad is Superman...her's actually was!
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